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A Big Win for Planned Parenthood
2 min December 14, 2018Author: Nina Malkin

A Big Win for Planned Parenthood

By Nina Malkin

Yesss! The Supreme Court upholds women’s rights to health services....

8 Tips and Shoppable Ideas for Comfy and Stress-Free Holiday Outfits
4 min December 13, 2018Author: Kimberly Cihlar

8 Tips and Shoppable Ideas for Comfy and Stress-Free Holiday Outfits

By Kimberly Cihlar

Hosting the holidays this year? You have plenty of things to worry about, but now what you're wearing isn't one of them—our fashion editor's got you c...

Why You Might Not Need Those Fish-Oil and Vitamin D Supplements You’re Taking
2 min December 12, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Why You Might Not Need Those Fish-Oil and Vitamin D Supplements You’re Taking

By Janet Siroto

We've been religiously taking them to ward off cancer and heart disease, but a new study says that all might be “magical thinking.”...

Move Over Gwyneth: Jane Fonda Is Going into Retail
2 min December 5, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Move Over Gwyneth: Jane Fonda Is Going into Retail

By Janet Siroto

The fitness queen is back with a new lifestyle brand aimed right at midlife women. But will there be legwarmers?...

Could 100 Calories a Day Save Your Life?
2 min November 29, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Could 100 Calories a Day Save Your Life?

By Janet Siroto

It’s easy to reduce your chance of premature death by up to 30 percent. Here’s how....

7 Types of Glam Shoes to Dress Up Festive Looks
4 min November 26, 2018Author: Kimberly Cihlar

7 Types of Glam Shoes to Dress Up Festive Looks

By Kimberly Cihlar

Sometimes finding the right shoe is the hardest part of putting together a holiday outfit. Here, our fashion editor offers some stunning options....

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