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How to Find the Best Cannabis Type for What Ails You
4 min June 6, 2023Author: Jeannie Edmunds

How to Find the Best Cannabis Type for What Ails You

By Jeannie Edmunds

As a "cannabis concierge," Nishi Whiteley guides patients to products that provide much-needed healing and calming. Here, some of her advice. ...

Where Is My Menopause? And Why Do I Feel Cheated?
4 min May 31, 2023Author: Christina Kapp

Where Is My Menopause? And Why Do I Feel Cheated?

By Christina Kapp

At 54, Christina Kapp is kind of bitter that she hasn't gone through menopause yet (try not to throw your phone against the wall). Here's why....

The Best Reasons to Become a Redhead and Stay One
4 min May 30, 2023Author: Beverly Willett

The Best Reasons to Become a Redhead and Stay One

By Beverly Willett

When her redhead daughter was born, it was a perfect time for Beverly Willett to go red too. Now, she finds she just can't quit it....

I Made Up My Own Crazy Diet and Lost 20 Pounds
6 min May 28, 2023Author: Valerie Frankel

I Made Up My Own Crazy Diet and Lost 20 Pounds

By Valerie Frankel

Eggs, avocados, beans, and clock-watching are part of an intermittent fasting diet that helped Valerie Frankel get in shape in a bizarrely healthy way....

I Quit Drinking as a 60th Birthday Present to Myself
4 min May 24, 2023Author: Ginny McReynolds

I Quit Drinking as a 60th Birthday Present to Myself

By Ginny McReynolds

For her milestone birthday, Ginny McReynolds decided to live her next chapter free from alcohol and self-induced numbing....

Stop Telling Me That I’m Overly Anxious about Cancer
4 min May 23, 2023Author: Elizabeth Benedict

Stop Telling Me That I’m Overly Anxious about Cancer

By Elizabeth Benedict

Elizabeth Benedict knew something was wrong when she felt a lump, but for months doctors told her she was worrying too much. Yeah, right....

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