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New Study: Women Walk 40,000 Miles by the Age of 50. Is This True for You?
2 min December 16, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

New Study: Women Walk 40,000 Miles by the Age of 50. Is This True for You?

By NextTribe Editors

A new study finds we nearly make two trips around the planet by the half-century mark. Where is all this walking getting us?...

As If You Haven’t Done Enough: New Research Finds Childbirth Can Impact How Fast You Age
3 min December 7, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

As If You Haven’t Done Enough: New Research Finds Childbirth Can Impact How Fast You Age

By NextTribe Editors

We don't want to sound like martyrs, BUT...after going to the trouble of carrying and birthing children, it's tough to hear that doing so can accelerate...

Love & Care: For One Couple, Knee Replacement Comes Full Circle
7 min November 23, 2020Author: Jeannie Ralston

Love & Care: For One Couple, Knee Replacement Comes Full Circle

By Jeannie Ralston

Dr. William Barrett has performed some 7,000 knee replacement surgeries as an orthopaedic surgeon, but it was as his wife’s caregiver after her knee r...

It’s Never Too Late for Love: Norma Kamali to Marry at 75
2 min November 22, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

It’s Never Too Late for Love: Norma Kamali to Marry at 75

By NextTribe Editors

Fifty years ago, a psychic predicted Norma Kamali would meet her soulmate at age 65. She did, and now, 10 years later, they will marry. Brava!...

Another Reason to Love Dolly Parton: She Helped Fund a COVID Vaccine
2 min November 20, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Another Reason to Love Dolly Parton: She Helped Fund a COVID Vaccine

By NextTribe Editors

Have you heard the new Dolly Parton song? It goes, "Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vac-se-ee-en." Here's how a national treasure may have helped solve a nat...

Pandemic Drinking: Why Women Over 50 Are Most at Risk for Problems
2 min November 18, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Pandemic Drinking: Why Women Over 50 Are Most at Risk for Problems

By NextTribe Editors

Sales of booze are skyrocketing at the same time alcohol-related deaths are rising for women over 50. Here's why drinking isn't the best way to cope wit...

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