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Scars Tell a Story: What Do Yours Say About You?
6 min October 4, 2023Author: Jeannie Ralston

Scars Tell a Story: What Do Yours Say About You?

By Jeannie Ralston

Scars are like organic body art, physical markers of lives lived. Here, five women tell us how they got their scars—and the surprising lessons they ho...

I Keep Losing My Voice, and I’m Afraid It’s a Metaphor
6 min October 3, 2023Author: Nancy Friedman

I Keep Losing My Voice, and I’m Afraid It’s a Metaphor

By Nancy Friedman

Nancy Friedman can't figure out why she keeps getting bouts of laryngitis now that she's getting older. The irony isn't lost on her....

A Time Warp Makes a 63-Year-Old VERY Visible for a Day
5 min September 21, 2023Author: Jeannie Ralston

A Time Warp Makes a 63-Year-Old VERY Visible for a Day

By Jeannie Ralston

Or maybe it was pheromones. Or a birthday wish granted. Still, sometimes the planets align and the world sees you differently. As you feel inside....

What Happens at the Best Spa in the World: A Peek and an Offer
5 min September 13, 2023Author: Jennifer Miller

What Happens at the Best Spa in the World: A Peek and an Offer

By Jennifer Miller

Someone had to go to Rancho La Puerta to find out the secrets of this legendary resort. Jennifer Miller bravely volunteered and came back with goodies....

Remember Double Dutch? It’s Back With a New Purpose
4 min September 5, 2023Author: NextTribe Editors

Remember Double Dutch? It’s Back With a New Purpose

By NextTribe Editors

It's not just a kids' game. A group called Double Dutch 40+ has scores of older women playing, laughing, bonding over and under the ropes....

A Photographer Who Makes Women Our Age Feel Vibrant
5 min August 23, 2023Author: Jeannie Ralston

A Photographer Who Makes Women Our Age Feel Vibrant

By Jeannie Ralston

Photographer Susie Lang "spotlights and honors" older women through her portraits. Jeannie Ralston sends a dispatch from in front of the camera....

There’s A Lot More Where That Came From

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