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Goodbye to the Celebrated Ingénue? Grown-Lady Actors Take the Golden Globes
3 min January 6, 2020Author: Jeannie Ralston

Goodbye to the Celebrated Ingénue? Grown-Lady Actors Take the Golden Globes

By Jeannie Ralston

Hollywood has always loved youth and beauty, but in the past few years we've seen a refreshing appreciation for women of experience. Last night's Golden...

Movies, TV, Politics, Books: How Women Our Age Will Impact 2020
7 min January 2, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Movies, TV, Politics, Books: How Women Our Age Will Impact 2020

By NextTribe Editors

It's that time of year, when we look at the cultural contributions women our age will be making in the year ahead. We're sure 2020 will be another banne...

Thelma & Louise & Me: Why I Had to Make a Documentary About the Iconic Film
6 min December 29, 2019Author: NextTribe Editors

Thelma & Louise & Me: Why I Had to Make a Documentary About the Iconic Film

By NextTribe Editors

Jennifer Townsend was profoundly moved by the film of sisterhood and liberation and risked everything to make a documentary, "Catching Sight of Thelma &...

3 Iconic Women Celebrate Big Birthdays in November
2 min November 6, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

3 Iconic Women Celebrate Big Birthdays in November

By Janet Siroto

Between the three of them, they have 220 years of experience, talent, and guts. Happy Birthday this month to Tina Turner and two other cultural powerhou...

Gail Collins’ New Book Charts the History of Older Women—and Shows Us How We Can Live Now
5 min November 4, 2019Author: Marcia G. Yerman

Gail Collins’ New Book Charts the History of Older Women—and Shows Us How We Can Live Now

By Marcia G. Yerman

In her new book No Stopping Us Now, the op-ed columnist introduces us to characters who have been aging boldly since the founding of the country....

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