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The #ChallengeAccepted Hashtag: What It Means and Why We Can Do Better
2 min August 2, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

The #ChallengeAccepted Hashtag: What It Means and Why We Can Do Better

By NextTribe Editors

More than six million women have taken part in the #ChallengeAccepted movement on social media, but its vagueness and superficiality make it a major mis...

Here’s Why 55 May Not Be J.K. Rowling’s Best Birthday
3 min July 31, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Here’s Why 55 May Not Be J.K. Rowling’s Best Birthday

By NextTribe Editors

She wrote one of the most successful book series on the planet. She's richer than the Queen. So what might J.K. Rowling be wishing for today, her birthd...

The Emmy Nominations: Actresses of a Certain Age Rule
2 min July 28, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

The Emmy Nominations: Actresses of a Certain Age Rule

By NextTribe Editors

We're thrilled to see women over 45 getting the love they deserve. This year, older actresses account for 53 percent of all female acting nominees. Brav...

A Best Friend Tells the Real Janis Joplin Story
9 min July 15, 2020Author: Sheila Weller

A Best Friend Tells the Real Janis Joplin Story

By Sheila Weller

Peggy Caserta, the legendary singer’s best friend, tells author Sheila Weller of their bond and their escapades, from Haight Ashbury to Woodstock....

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