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Sheryl Sandberg’s Second Book Is Far from ‘Lean In’—in a Good Way
3 min April 25, 2017Author: Cathi Hanauer

Sheryl Sandberg’s Second Book Is Far from ‘Lean In’—in a Good Way

By Cathi Hanauer

Option B: When you can't "lean in" (or barely stand)...

The Pushers: How a Former Hairstylist Turned Her Layoff into a New Business
5 min April 5, 2017Author: Jeannie Ralston

The Pushers: How a Former Hairstylist Turned Her Layoff into a New Business

By Jeannie Ralston

Kathy Murphy spun job loss, divorce and money problems into a movie deal....

The Enduring Power of the Catfight: A Lament
4 min March 26, 2017Author: Marion Winik

The Enduring Power of the Catfight: A Lament

By Marion Winik

Entertaining? Maybe. Helpful? No....

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