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Lizzie Gottlieb’s Film Celebrates a Legendary Literary Duo
4 min January 25, 2023Author: Michele Willens

Lizzie Gottlieb’s Film Celebrates a Legendary Literary Duo

By Michele Willens

As creative collaborations go, Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb are rock stars. Director Lizzie Gottlieb captures the magic in "Turn Every Page."...

What She Said: Paulina Porizkova’s Stark Courage
5 min January 10, 2023Author: Yvonne Liu

What She Said: Paulina Porizkova’s Stark Courage

By Yvonne Liu

At a private event, Yvonne Liu gets to meet Paulina Porizkova, whose new book covers her thoughts on love, loss, beauty, betrayal, and empowerment....

Groucho Marx & Me: Memories of a Newly Celebrated Legend
4 min January 5, 2023Author: Michele Willens

Groucho Marx & Me: Memories of a Newly Celebrated Legend

By Michele Willens

A PBS special looks at Groucho Marx's later years, which reminds Michele Willens of meeting him for what may have been his last interview....

A Meme Gone Too Far: Women Are Ditching the Name “Karen”
3 min January 4, 2023Author: NextTribe Editors

A Meme Gone Too Far: Women Are Ditching the Name “Karen”

By NextTribe Editors

A perfectly good name has been ruined, causing many women to change their name from Karen. Isn't it time to end this sexist, ageist meme?...

Barbara Walters Pulled No Punches, Including with Me
5 min January 2, 2023Author: Jeannie Edmunds

Barbara Walters Pulled No Punches, Including with Me

By Jeannie Edmunds

Despite being scolded by her early in her career, Jeannie Edmunds has nothing but admiration and gratitude for the news legend we just lost....

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