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Catherine Keener on Heartbreak and Kindness
3 min September 12, 2018Author: Susan Hornik

Catherine Keener on Heartbreak and Kindness

By Susan Hornik

The amazing actor chats with NextTribe about her new Showtime series "Kidding" (it co-stars Jim Carrey!) and her ultimate family escape....

Almost 50 and Following Pearl Jam on Tour? Hell YES!
9 min September 11, 2018Author: Thea Wood

Almost 50 and Following Pearl Jam on Tour? Hell YES!

By Thea Wood

Not everyone understood why Thea Wood bought tickets to concerts by her favorite rock band as they criss-crossed Europe. But the music and the moment ga...

R-E-S-P-E-C-T for Aretha
< 1 min August 15, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

R-E-S-P-E-C-T for Aretha

By Janet Siroto

Who hasn’t danced to “Chain of Fools,” hollered out the chorus of “Respect” or swayed while singing “(You Make Me Fe...

Why We Love <em data-lazy-src=
9 min August 10, 2018Author: Sheila Weller

Why We Love The Affair: A Sophisticated Soap Opera That Gets Women Like Us

By Sheila Weller

Sure it’s sexy-hot and features fabulous real-estate porn, but Sheila Weller finds a deeper reason that midlife women are hooked, starting with the re...

Margot Kidder’s Cause of Death Ruled a Suicide: Let’s Reshape the Conversation Around Mental Health
3 min August 9, 2018Author: Sheila Weller

Margot Kidder’s Cause of Death Ruled a Suicide: Let’s Reshape the Conversation Around Mental Health

By Sheila Weller

Margot Kidder's daughter talks about the importance of openness after her mother's death was revealed to be a suicide. Sheila Weller explores how greate...

Was Queen Elizabeth Making a Fashion Statement Just for Trump?
< 1 min July 19, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Was Queen Elizabeth Making a Fashion Statement Just for Trump?

By Jeannie Ralston

Some observers wonder if the Queen Elizabeth was making a fashion statement during Trump's visit to the UK. What do you think?...

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