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All Hail RBG! How Her Story Came to the Screen
5 min April 25, 2018Author: Michele Willens

All Hail RBG! How Her Story Came to the Screen

By Michele Willens

The big hit of this year’s Sundance Film Festival was a documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the remarkable Supreme Court justice. But it took two s...

The Unstoppable Judy Collins: “Women Do NOT Become More Vulnerable With Age”
8 min April 11, 2018Author: Sheila Weller

The Unstoppable Judy Collins: “Women Do NOT Become More Vulnerable With Age”

By Sheila Weller

We grew up to her gorgeous songs. Behind the scenes, she struggled—deeply. Now, she shares with Sheila Weller how she’s tapping her creativity and f...

Book Picks: Iconic Women Between the Covers
4 min April 7, 2018Author: Cathi Hanauer

Book Picks: Iconic Women Between the Covers

By Cathi Hanauer

Meet a squad of amazing women: These two new books—one fiction, one not—will introduce you to fascinating characters who will inspire you to take on...

Allegra Huston: How Hollywood Royalty Found Her Own Path
8 min March 21, 2018Author: Sheila Weller

Allegra Huston: How Hollywood Royalty Found Her Own Path

By Sheila Weller

Born into a famous family, Allegra Huston had to "learn to star in her own life." Here, she tells Sheila Weller how she did that and why she wrote a hot...

Pat Williams: From Crime to Comedy
4 min March 7, 2018Author: Michele "Wojo" Wojciechowski

Pat Williams: From Crime to Comedy

By Michele "Wojo" Wojciechowski

In her new memoir, the ferociously funny comedian, known as Ms. Pat, explains how she made the leap from poverty, drugs and single motherhood into comic...

Hollywood: Please Let Us Act Our Age!
5 min February 28, 2018Author: NextTribe Editors

Hollywood: Please Let Us Act Our Age!

By NextTribe Editors

You’ve heard there are no good parts for women over 50 on-screen? That’s just part of the story. Mary Ellen Farrar takes a closer look and finds som...

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