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< 1 min January 1, 1970Author:

A woman in her 70s opens her Wonder Woman umbrella to shield herself from the sun on a sweltering Saturday at the community parade Good in the Hood. She...

< 1 min January 1, 1970Author:

Among women, the highest rate of alcohol-related deaths in 1999 was among 65-to-74 year olds, followed by 55 to 64. By 2017, women aged 55 to 64 led, fo...

2 min January 1, 1970Author:

 Waiting for a Covid-19 Vaccination? Don’t Do This! Pennsylvania, where I live, is currently in phase 1A of what the State Department of Heal...

2 min January 1, 1970Author:

An experimental treatment may restore fertility during early menopause, a small new study claims.Typically, menopause ends a woman’s ability to ge...

< 1 min January 1, 1970Author:

 I was officially diagnosed with Ménière’s disease. It is a swelling in the inner ear canals and excessive fluid. I’m ama...

3 min January 1, 1970Author: Kayla Gross

By Kayla Gross

Growing numbers of women are taking their employers to court citing the menopause as proof of unfair dismissal and direct sex discrimination, researcher...

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