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Hallelujah! 7 Things You Can Do Now That You’re Kid-Free
5 min February 17, 2020Author: Jeannie Ralston

Hallelujah! 7 Things You Can Do Now That You’re Kid-Free

By Jeannie Ralston

Hey, stop crying about your baby leaving home. Get ready for sex on the dining room table at 3 in the afternoon and other empty nest freedoms you can en...

Look at These Fascinating Women Who Have Big Birthdays in February
3 min February 4, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Look at These Fascinating Women Who Have Big Birthdays in February

By NextTribe Editors

Some of our favorite actors are reaching milestone birthdays this month. Here we raise a big hurrah for them and welcome two to this rewarding, producti...

My Answer to a Frustrating Job Search? Go Climb a Mountain 
7 min January 31, 2020Author: Sheryl Northrop

My Answer to a Frustrating Job Search? Go Climb a Mountain 

By Sheryl Northrop

For four years, Sheryl Northrop has been looking for a new job. Grappling with despair and doubt, she scaled Mount Whitney with her husband and found su...

Instead of “You Don’t Look Your Age,” This Is the Compliment I’d Rather Hear
3 min January 30, 2020Author: Jeannie Ralston

Instead of “You Don’t Look Your Age,” This Is the Compliment I’d Rather Hear

By Jeannie Ralston

It doesn't matter how much make up you wear or how you've maintained your looks, Jeannie Ralston says you know you're really aging well when people tell...

Donna Parker: Becoming Braver and Getting Some Good Laughs
2 min November 22, 2019Author: Donna Parker

Donna Parker: Becoming Braver and Getting Some Good Laughs

By Donna Parker

As an acupuncturist and nutrition counselor, Donna Parker thought she was prepared to handle menopause. But she wasn't prepared for moments like the "Sa...

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