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Barbara Bush: Talk About Aging Boldly
< 1 min April 18, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Barbara Bush: Talk About Aging Boldly

By Janet Siroto

As the country mourns the passing of Barbara Bush, who died on April 17, we salute the loss of this Aging Boldly icon. She enjoyed the rare status of be...

Charcoal Drinks: A New Way to Detox?
< 1 min April 17, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Charcoal Drinks: A New Way to Detox?

By Jeannie Ralston

The latest healthy drink hardly looks good for you: Ink-black beverages containing charcoal are turning up across the country and promising to detox our...

New Movie We Love: “Finding Your Feet”
< 1 min April 10, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

New Movie We Love: “Finding Your Feet”

By Janet Siroto

The movie Finding Your Feet isn’t going to shock or surprise you. Here’s the plot: Somewhat stuffy midlife woman discovers husband is having...

Handling Regrets: Coulda, Shoulda…and Moving On
5 min April 10, 2018Author: Nina Lorez Collins

Handling Regrets: Coulda, Shoulda…and Moving On

By Nina Lorez Collins

Regrets, we've all had a few. In her new book, What Would Virginia Woolf Do?, Nina Collins looks at midlife regrets and along with other wise women offe...

The Triple Bonus of Taking Your Bike Instead of Your Car
2 min April 5, 2018Author: Nina Malkin

The Triple Bonus of Taking Your Bike Instead of Your Car

By Nina Malkin

We all enjoy a leisurely spring ride through the park, and some of us are serious mountain bikers. But when it comes to cycling for transportation, we o...

Andie McDowell as We’ve Never Seen Her
< 1 min April 3, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Andie McDowell as We’ve Never Seen Her

By Janet Siroto

While the movie Love After Love may be tricky to track down in your neighborhood, look for it. It’s the debut film by Russell Harbaugh and feature...

There’s A Lot More Where That Came From

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