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6 min January 1, 1970Author: Sandy Kerman

By Sandy Kerman

For me, Santa Fe is all about layers, from layers of sediment in the starkly beautiful mesas and buttes and mountains to the layers of history and cultu...

3 min January 1, 1970Author:

Per my previous email, GreenLight Women is holding a free, virtual event this Sunday at 5 pm PT during which we will be giving a grant to Melissa H...

2 min January 1, 1970Author:

German speed skater Claudia Pechstein smiled wide, out of breath, as she crossed the finish line of the women’s 3000 meter race on Feb. 5. Pechste...

3 min January 1, 1970Author:

I needed a headcount for Christmas dinner. It was an easy job, but for one complication—it required talking to my grandmother. Though I loved Mimo...

3 min January 1, 1970Author: Janet Siroto

By Janet Siroto

Who would’ve thought that one of the top style trends of today would be serving up what could be called a “senior moment”?! Yep. You m...

< 1 min January 1, 1970Author: Janet Siroto

By Janet Siroto

“So if you want the world to change, and you want the iconography of the female body to change, then you better be a part of the change. You bette...

There’s A Lot More Where That Came From

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