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Creating a Playlist for My Life: The Answer to a Lawyer’s Unexpected Question 
5 min September 20, 2019Author: Jeannie Ralston

Creating a Playlist for My Life: The Answer to a Lawyer’s Unexpected Question 

By Jeannie Ralston

All Jeannie Ralston wanted to do was make sure her will was done. But, instead, the lawyer prompted her to think deeply about the music that makes our m...

Terrified of Public Speaking? It’s Never too Late to Face Your Fear
4 min September 7, 2019Author: Liane Kupferberg Carter

Terrified of Public Speaking? It’s Never too Late to Face Your Fear

By Liane Kupferberg Carter

If the mere thought of speaking in front of a group fills you with dread, read this account of how Liane Kupferberg Carter got comfortable with a mic....

We Want to Know: What Does Fashion Mean to You Now?
< 1 min September 4, 2019Author: NextTribe Editors

We Want to Know: What Does Fashion Mean to You Now?

By NextTribe Editors

Take our quick survey and let us how your style has--or hasn't--changed as you've gotten older. We love hearing your opinions....

Swim the English Channel at 60? The Mighty Mermaids Are On a Mission
4 min July 9, 2019Author: Louise Tutelian

Swim the English Channel at 60? The Mighty Mermaids Are On a Mission

By Louise Tutelian

Six older swimmers support each other in the water—and out. Here, as their biggest challenge unfolds, Louise Tutelian shares their inspiring story....

The New Great Migration: Retirees Head to the Cities
2 min June 21, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

The New Great Migration: Retirees Head to the Cities

By Janet Siroto

Forget the golf courses of Florida or Arizona. Here’s why Boomers are craving urban life in record numbers....

The Aperol Spritz: Refreshing Summer Drink or Gross Boozy Beverage?
2 min May 15, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

The Aperol Spritz: Refreshing Summer Drink or Gross Boozy Beverage?

By Janet Siroto

A debate has been raging online over the Aperol Spritz. Is it a wonderful or woeful warm-weather drink?...

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