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These Dragon Boat Festival Paddlers Are Pure Inspiration
< 1 min July 22, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

These Dragon Boat Festival Paddlers Are Pure Inspiration

By Jeannie Ralston

Every year, Hong Kong hosts its traditional Dragon Boat Festival, which involves some hard-core rowing competition. Teams of 22 climb into long, narrow ...

Was Queen Elizabeth Making a Fashion Statement Just for Trump?
< 1 min July 19, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Was Queen Elizabeth Making a Fashion Statement Just for Trump?

By Jeannie Ralston

Some observers wonder if the Queen Elizabeth was making a fashion statement during Trump's visit to the UK. What do you think?...

Granny Power: These Older Activists are Taking on the World
< 1 min July 18, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Granny Power: These Older Activists are Taking on the World

By Janet Siroto

Activism is on the rise among women, whether you look at the #metoo movement or the epic Women’s March on Washington. But since we’re all ab...

Older Female Protagonists Finally! These Midlife Characters Are a Novel Revolution
5 min July 18, 2018Author: Karen Karbo

Older Female Protagonists Finally! These Midlife Characters Are a Novel Revolution

By Karen Karbo

Recently, most novels about women have featured comely young heroines. But Karen Karbo reports on two new books that each offer a unique take on complex...

Summer Read: Pamela Druckerman’s Latest Is a Nora-Ephron-Like Take on Midlife
< 1 min July 12, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Summer Read: Pamela Druckerman’s Latest Is a Nora-Ephron-Like Take on Midlife

By Jeannie Ralston

There Are No Grown-Ups, a recent collection of essays by the wry and wise best-selling author Pamela Druckerman, is just the thing for those of us who a...

Sneak Peek: The Powerful New Protest Song by Judy Collins
< 1 min July 9, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Sneak Peek: The Powerful New Protest Song by Judy Collins

By Jeannie Ralston

She was there during another era of upheaval and resistance, and now Judy Collins, a member of NextTribe’s advisory board, has given us a modern p...

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