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In Praise of the F Word: Four Letters That Help Me Cope
4 min February 18, 2023Author: Helen Darling

In Praise of the F Word: Four Letters That Help Me Cope

By Helen Darling

Helen Darling has no qualms about dropping the F Bomb. She feels she's earned the right after a demanding career, cancer, and now the pandemic. So just ...

Hey, Don Lemon, Who You Calling “Not Prime”?
3 min February 17, 2023Author: Jeannie Edmunds

Hey, Don Lemon, Who You Calling “Not Prime”?

By Jeannie Edmunds

Don Lemon's extraordinarily stupid comments about Nikki Haley (and women in general) are a shining example of sexist ageism. Stop it already....

Why Kim Kardashian Channeling Marilyn Monroe Is So Wrong
7 min February 17, 2023Author: Barbara Lippert

Why Kim Kardashian Channeling Marilyn Monroe Is So Wrong

By Barbara Lippert

The classic tabloid question would be: "Who wore it best?" And that's the problem. Barbara Lippert examines Kim Kardashian's audacious stunt....

Madonna’s Face: Ageism and Misogyny Are the Real Issue
4 min February 10, 2023Author: Thea Wood

Madonna’s Face: Ageism and Misogyny Are the Real Issue

By Thea Wood

Critics blasted Madonna's look at Sunday's GRAMMYs, which proves that society is still ageist and sexist and Madonna is still a provocateur....

Talking <em>80 for Brady</em> with a Lady Who Is Almost 80
3 min February 8, 2023Author: Jennifer Miller

Talking 80 for Brady with a Lady Who Is Almost 80

By Jennifer Miller

Neither of them is a football fan, but both Jennifer Miller and her mom found things to love about this new high-spirited, Super-Bowl-centric movie....

Minimizing #MeToo: Behind the <em>She Said</em> Oscar Snub
6 min February 8, 2023Author: Barbara Lippert

Minimizing #MeToo: Behind the She Said Oscar Snub

By Barbara Lippert

The movie "She Said" tells the explosive story of how #MeToo toppled a Hollywood giant. So why isn't the film getting the love it deserves?...

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