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Jamie Lee Curtis Is Ready To Scream Again
< 1 min April 26, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Jamie Lee Curtis Is Ready To Scream Again

By Jeannie Ralston

Guess what’s getting a reboot? The movie Halloween, 40 years after it first gave us goosebumps—with its creepy soundtrack, triggered nightma...

All Hail RBG! How Her Story Came to the Screen
5 min April 25, 2018Author: Michele Willens

All Hail RBG! How Her Story Came to the Screen

By Michele Willens

The big hit of this year’s Sundance Film Festival was a documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the remarkable Supreme Court justice. But it took two s...

Prison Break: The Sister Who Helps Mothers in Jail
< 1 min April 25, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Prison Break: The Sister Who Helps Mothers in Jail

By Janet Siroto

Suzanne Jabro, a nun at Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, has started a special delivery service. Jabro became concerned about the lack of contact be...

Southwest Pilot: Cool and Heroic Under Pressure
< 1 min April 20, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Southwest Pilot: Cool and Heroic Under Pressure

By Janet Siroto

“Nerves of steel”: That’s the phrase no one can avoid when talking about Tammie Jo Shults, 56, the amazing Texan who somehow landed So...

Female Farmers: From Harvest to Halls of Power
< 1 min April 19, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Female Farmers: From Harvest to Halls of Power

By Jeannie Ralston

It’s really the oldest profession in the world—farming—and women have been doing it forever. Now, female farmers are taking their know...

Barbara Bush: Talk About Aging Boldly
< 1 min April 18, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Barbara Bush: Talk About Aging Boldly

By Janet Siroto

As the country mourns the passing of Barbara Bush, who died on April 17, we salute the loss of this Aging Boldly icon. She enjoyed the rare status of be...

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