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Kirsten Gillibrand: The Star that Trump Built
7 min February 20, 2018Author: Lorraine Glennon

Kirsten Gillibrand: The Star that Trump Built

By Lorraine Glennon

This rising political force and fierce feminist is being hailed as the Democrats' best hope for the 2020 election. Lorraine Glennon takes a closer look,...

What Is Sexual Misconduct? Our Poll Shows Where the Line Should Be Drawn
3 min January 23, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

What Is Sexual Misconduct? Our Poll Shows Where the Line Should Be Drawn

By Janet Siroto

What is sexual misconduct and where do you draw the line these days? To some, it is very clearly cut. Here's what our poll on the #metoo movement found....

Women of the Year: Here Are Our Favorite Movers & Shakers
3 min December 27, 2017Author: Janet Siroto

Women of the Year: Here Are Our Favorite Movers & Shakers

By Janet Siroto

So many women earned our awe this year and inspired us to be even bolder. With great difficulty, we narrowed the list to 13 and are thrilled to honor th...

How to Reduce Food Waste: 3 Ways to Waste Less of What You Buy Most
7 min October 11, 2017Author: Diane MacEachern

How to Reduce Food Waste: 3 Ways to Waste Less of What You Buy Most

By Diane MacEachern

Americans typically squander 40 percent of their food budget. Here are easy ways to reduce food waste that will help you pocket $40 of every $100 you us...

Republican and Democrat Friends: Are Cross-Party Friendships Another Thing Women Do Best?
9 min September 3, 2017Author: Sheila Weller

Republican and Democrat Friends: Are Cross-Party Friendships Another Thing Women Do Best?

By Sheila Weller

If a Democrat can be friends with Ann Coulter, isn’t there hope the rest of us can all get along?...

The Charlottesville Wake Up Call: An Inside Story
6 min August 22, 2017Author: Melanie Howard

The Charlottesville Wake Up Call: An Inside Story

By Melanie Howard

How the recent clash led a University of Virginia grad to re-think her attitudes toward America and how to move forward—besides eating lots of sheet c...

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