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Is the Term “Aging Gracefully” Sexist? Julianne Moore and Others Think So
2 min July 14, 2021Author: NextTribe Editors

Is the Term “Aging Gracefully” Sexist? Julianne Moore and Others Think So

By NextTribe Editors

Many women are pissed off about the wording used to address aging. We can't change the fact that we age, but we can demand a change in thinking and voca...

Gay In the Military . . . and Now Married: Two Women Share Their Love Story
13 min June 4, 2021Author: Sheila Weller

Gay In the Military . . . and Now Married: Two Women Share Their Love Story

By Sheila Weller

On the 8th anniversary of the legalization of gay marriage. one couple explains what it took and what it means to be legally wed....

On Marilyn Monroe’s 95th Birthday, Are We Still Looking Up Her Skirt?
4 min June 1, 2021Author: Barbara Field

On Marilyn Monroe’s 95th Birthday, Are We Still Looking Up Her Skirt?

By Barbara Field

A 26-foot-tall statue of Marilyn in Palm Springs is causing a stir. It's great to honor her, but do we have to do it by showing her underwear?...

The Most Notorious Example of the “Karen” Meme Just Got Worse
7 min May 27, 2021Author: Jeannie Ralston

The Most Notorious Example of the “Karen” Meme Just Got Worse

By Jeannie Ralston

Amy Cooper just sued her former employer for making her look like a racist. That takes big cojones and a strong sense of "Karen-ism." Here we examine th...

More Police Brutality: This Time Against a 73-Year-Old Woman with Dementia
3 min May 20, 2021Author: NextTribe Editors

More Police Brutality: This Time Against a 73-Year-Old Woman with Dementia

By NextTribe Editors

A video showing police using excessive force against a frail grandmother has prompted a criminal investigation and the question: Where the f**k has comm...

Alabama Doesn’t Care About Your Menopause Symptoms
2 min May 10, 2021Author: NextTribe Editors

Alabama Doesn’t Care About Your Menopause Symptoms

By NextTribe Editors

Why would the Alabama legislature specifically exclude women-only conditions in its medical marijuana bill? The answer is alarming....

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