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Who Else Besides Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski Has the Balls to Reject Hypocrisy?
3 min September 21, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Who Else Besides Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski Has the Balls to Reject Hypocrisy?

By NextTribe Editors

So far only two GOP senators have said they won't vote for RBG's replacement this close to an election. Why are we not surprised they're both women?...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg on What She Believes Is the Biggest Threat to Democracy
3 min September 19, 2020Author: Janet Siroto

Ruth Bader Ginsburg on What She Believes Is the Biggest Threat to Democracy

By Janet Siroto

We're beyond heartsick at the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Read here what she says about the constitution and how to best uphold it....

In This Election Especially, Woman Our Age Are a Force to Be Reckoned With
2 min September 16, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

In This Election Especially, Woman Our Age Are a Force to Be Reckoned With

By NextTribe Editors

Older voters could determine this election, and women fed up with incompetence, misogyny, and injustice are leading the way....

Jane Fonda Shows Us How to Go from Climate Despair to Action
2 min September 14, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Jane Fonda Shows Us How to Go from Climate Despair to Action

By NextTribe Editors

At 82, Jane Fonda isn't done with activism. Her new book, What Can I Do?, is a guidebook we can all use to fight climate change....

Uh Oh. The Not-So-Rosy Picture for Women Our Age in the Economic Downturn
2 min August 5, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Uh Oh. The Not-So-Rosy Picture for Women Our Age in the Economic Downturn

By NextTribe Editors

Age discrimination has long been rampant in the workplace, but the current economic downturn will only make it worse. NextTribe is forming a group to ta...

The #ChallengeAccepted Hashtag: What It Means and Why We Can Do Better
2 min August 2, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

The #ChallengeAccepted Hashtag: What It Means and Why We Can Do Better

By NextTribe Editors

More than six million women have taken part in the #ChallengeAccepted movement on social media, but its vagueness and superficiality make it a major mis...

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