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Republican and Democrat Friends: Are Cross-Party Friendships Another Thing Women Do Best?
9 min September 3, 2017Author: Sheila Weller

Republican and Democrat Friends: Are Cross-Party Friendships Another Thing Women Do Best?

By Sheila Weller

If a Democrat can be friends with Ann Coulter, isn’t there hope the rest of us can all get along?...

How I Freed Myself From Dinner-Prep Hell
6 min July 12, 2017Author: Janet Siroto

How I Freed Myself From Dinner-Prep Hell

By Janet Siroto

In this new column, we compare two products or services in a given category to let you know how they stack up. We start with a magical meal-kit tour....

My Adult Stepdaughter: Not “Step” Anything—Just Dear Friend
8 min July 6, 2017Author: Sheila Weller

My Adult Stepdaughter: Not “Step” Anything—Just Dear Friend

By Sheila Weller

Can you scratch a step-relation and find a soul mate? Sheila Weller did, and it saved her marriage almost before it began....

My Adult Stepdaughter: Not “Step” Anything—Just Dear Friend
8 min July 6, 2017Author: Sheila Weller

My Adult Stepdaughter: Not “Step” Anything—Just Dear Friend

By Sheila Weller

Can you scratch a step-relation and find a soul mate? Sheila Weller did, and it saved her marriage almost before it began....

Long Marriages: What You Get, What You Give Up
7 min June 28, 2017Author: Cathi Hanauer

Long Marriages: What You Get, What You Give Up

By Cathi Hanauer

Two riveting new memoirs offer good girl/bad girl takes on midlife marriage. It's all here: regrets, rewards, restlessness, ambivalence, comfort, sex, s...

Long Marriages: What You Get, What You Give Up
7 min June 28, 2017Author: Cathi Hanauer

Long Marriages: What You Get, What You Give Up

By Cathi Hanauer

Two riveting new memoirs offer good girl/bad girl takes on midlife marriage. It's all here: regrets, rewards, restlessness, ambivalence, comfort, sex, s...

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