
Home >Archive by category "Connection" (Page 17)

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Saying Goodbye to Grace and Frankie: 5 Reasons They Rocked Our World
5 min April 29, 2022Author: Janet Siroto

Saying Goodbye to Grace and Frankie: 5 Reasons They Rocked Our World

By Janet Siroto

As the revolutionary show ends, we look at all the ways it changed our thinking about this chapter of life (and maybe the rest of the world's too)....

The Friendship That Led to an Iconic Song and 50 Years Later Comes Full Circle
3 min April 19, 2022Author: Michele Willens

The Friendship That Led to an Iconic Song and 50 Years Later Comes Full Circle

By Michele Willens

In 1972, Michele Willens dragged Lori Lieberman to a night club in L.A. The rest is musical history....

Having Good Girlfriends at Midlife Is Good Medicine—Literally
5 min April 14, 2022Author: Suzanne Braun Levine

Having Good Girlfriends at Midlife Is Good Medicine—Literally

By Suzanne Braun Levine

WTF Alert! Not having good pals is as dangerous to your health as smoking. So nurture those connections now....

Having Good Girlfriends at Midlife Is Good Medicine—Literally
5 min April 14, 2022Author: Suzanne Braun Levine

Having Good Girlfriends at Midlife Is Good Medicine—Literally

By Suzanne Braun Levine

WTF Alert! Not having good pals is as dangerous to your health as smoking. So nurture those connections now....

Kicking Your Child out of the House: When and Why to Do the Unthinkable
7 min April 6, 2022Author: Robin Kavanagh

Kicking Your Child out of the House: When and Why to Do the Unthinkable

By Robin Kavanagh

Robin Kavanagh takes an honest look at one of the hardest decisions of her life and explains how it helped save her family....

Instead of a 30th Wedding Anniversary, a New Beginning
6 min April 4, 2022Author: Jeannie Ralston

Instead of a 30th Wedding Anniversary, a New Beginning

By Jeannie Ralston

Two major milestones—a 30-year anniversary that wasn't and a move to New York City—have left Jeannie Ralston with a mix of emotions....

There’s A Lot More Where That Came From

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