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Go Sleeveless! Our Right to Bare Arms and Love Our Biceps
6 min May 19, 2023Author: Stephanie Dolgoff

Go Sleeveless! Our Right to Bare Arms and Love Our Biceps

By Stephanie Dolgoff

“Bingo wings.” “Cafeteria-lady arms.” Most of us have heard the nasty terms for our midlife upper arms. Here's why we should say, "Screw that!"...

Assault and Anger: E. Jean Carroll Gets Her Day in Court
5 min April 24, 2023Author: NextTribe Editors

Assault and Anger: E. Jean Carroll Gets Her Day in Court

By NextTribe Editors

As she heads to court this week in her lawsuit against Donald Trump, read here about E. Jean Carroll's shame vs. anger equation....

Happy International Women’s Day? Here’s Why We’re Not Sure
4 min March 8, 2023Author: Jeannie Edmunds

Happy International Women’s Day? Here’s Why We’re Not Sure

By Jeannie Edmunds

So we get one day to celebrate ourselves. This year, when our rights are being chipped away, it feels extra hollow. Jeannie Edmunds weighs in....

The Ambition Trap: How It Snares Powerful Women
4 min February 24, 2023Author: Lorraine Glennon

The Ambition Trap: How It Snares Powerful Women

By Lorraine Glennon

Here's an outrageous rule of politics we've just seen again with Kamala Harris: The closer you get to power, the more you get slapped down....

#MeToo Backlash: The Triumph and Pitfalls of a Bold Movement
9 min February 19, 2023Author: Sheila Weller

#MeToo Backlash: The Triumph and Pitfalls of a Bold Movement

By Sheila Weller

The new anti-sexual harassment fervor is fabulous, amazing, essential—but longtime feminist writer Sheila Weller says we should handle it with care. ...

Hey, Don Lemon, Who You Calling “Not Prime”?
3 min February 17, 2023Author: Jeannie Edmunds

Hey, Don Lemon, Who You Calling “Not Prime”?

By Jeannie Edmunds

Don Lemon's extraordinarily stupid comments about Nikki Haley (and women in general) are a shining example of sexist ageism. Stop it already....

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