Publishing a Debut Novel Later in Life: Here’s How One Woman Did It
After 33 years as an English teacher, Susan Beckham Zurenda used her long study of literature to write a haunting debut novel, Bells for Eli. Here she t...
Community and travel for bold women over 45
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After 33 years as an English teacher, Susan Beckham Zurenda used her long study of literature to write a haunting debut novel, Bells for Eli. Here she t...
A new list of top female global leaders shows that nothing beats experience. Who do you think jumped straight to number 3 in the tally?...
Jeannie Ralston isn't bothered that she's hitting 60, just that she's hitting 60 without her usual fanfare. Has the time come to be more discreet about ...
Artemisia Gentileschi was doing Cindy Sherman and taking on issues of rape and inequality back in the Renaissance years. How many other amazing artists ...
Here's a shout out to eight iconic women celebrating milestone birthdays. They capture the spirit we most admire in women this age: resiliency, creativi...
Fresh off Star Wars fame--and a drug overdose--Carrie Fisher found her true calling: as a writer. In this excerpt from her acclaimed biography of Fisher...