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In This Election Especially, Woman Our Age Are a Force to Be Reckoned With

Older voters could determine this election, and women fed up with incompetence, misogyny, and injustice are leading the way.

COVID has turned the world upside down, as we all know. So it should be no surprise that voting patterns aren’t following their normal course. According to recent surveys, older voters, who usually lean conservative, are alarmed by the Trump administration’s handling (or non-handling) of the pandemic, are increasingly turning away from Republicans. And leading the way are women voters over 50.

A new AARP survey of men and women over 50 in battleground states found that older Americans could decide this year’s election. “Concerns about the coronavirus and their health overall are driving these voters away from their natural base,” AARP says.  

Indeed, a survey by Morning Consult shows that Baby Boomers’s fears about the pandemic are ticking back up this fall, with 60 percent of respondents saying they are “very” concerned about the in the latest poll.

According to the AARP results, in six battleground states–Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Wisconsin–women in our age group consistently favor Biden and Democratic senate candidates over Trump and the GOP. Plus, they’re much more likely to disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis.

For instance, in Florida, 52 percent of women plan to vote for Biden, and 45 percent for Trump. In Michigan, 62 percent of women opposed the administration’s handling of COVID and 33 percent supported it.

Read More: 100 Years After the 19th Amendment, Why Some Wives Still Vote Like Their Husband

NextTribers Speak

In our own (much smaller) poll of NextTribe members, the results are even more stark. When asked to choose between the two presidential contenders, 92 percent said Biden, and we’re ones who make a point of voting and donating to campaigns. “You couldn’t PAY me to stay away from the polls” was the option chosen by 100 percent of respondents in answer to a question about likelihood of voting. The greatest number of respondents report making campaign contributions of between $100 and $350 so far this year.

Great fear is driving NextTribe members–not just about the election results, but also about what comes after November 3rd.

“I am worry that regardless of who wins we will have more rioting and civil unrest,” said one respondent. While many reported a hope for unity to heal the nation’s divisions, a level of intolerance was still evident, pointing at the difficulty of restoration.

“As long as I live, I will never understand how women can vote for a self-proclaimed sexual predator,” said a NextTriber, and this from another: “When I find out there is a woman supporting Trump it makes me very angry.”

One bright spot for our members: Kamala Harris. She represents the future and a refreshing shift in the “undercarriage of politics.” As one of our group said, “I’m sticking with my mantra, change is coming!!”

Read More: Why Am I So Angry? The Causes—and Surprising Benefits—of Female Rage


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