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The NextTribe Survey: What Do You Really Think About Sex?

NextTribe Editors
People seem to think they know how women our age feel about sex. But once again, they don't know Jack. We want to set the record straight, so get comfy and take our completely anonymous, VERY detailed survey here.

“Does desire melt away with age? I’m waiting for that day to come. Sexual desire is like aging. A lot of it is [in your head.]”

Those are the sage words of the still-impish, still-flirty nonagenarian Betty White. And besides prompting a “Go girl,” that statement has made us wonder: What exactly is in the heads of women our age, when it comes to sex?

The stereotype of menopausal and post-menopausal women is that the space in our brains once devoted to desire is now occupied by a desert scene, complete with tumbleweeds and (prickly pear, not saguaro) cactus.

Read More: Where Have All the Sex Toys Gone? Long Time Passing

But society has long gotten us wrong. We want to hear it straight from our gals: How do you like to do it and when? This is a completely anonymous survey so you can be honest, without fear that anyone but your significant other or your pillow will ever know the truth.

Lay it on us.

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