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Nancy Goedeke: “I Love Menopause”

NextTribe Editors
Can someone love menopause? Nancy Goedeke does! Here she tells us how she feels rejuvenated by the "change."

When did you go into menopause? 

52 due to an oblation and D&C… hormonally, around 53. 

What did you know about menopause before you hit it? 

I had several older female pals who found the transition to be smooth and the crone-status a real gift. Best yet, they found that it helped their sex lives (two had younger husbands ). My mom didn’t seem to have issues with menopause. She was of the generation when if you had a fibroid, they did a hysterectomy. She had been on hormones until she was in her early 50s. She said she didn’t experience hot flashes. 

I’ve been fortunate. Never had a hot flash. I do every once in a great while get a cold flash. Yes, I lay in bed and shiver from the inside out. Not unpleasant and only at night. 

Alcohol hits me harder – two glasses and it’s “hello sailor”. 

Not really. 

Actually, it may be hello pillow… then up at 2am with disturbed REM due to only two glasses! My gyno says it’s the wine. 

The only other issue is dryness: The eyes. The va-jay-jay. (which I deal with by using Estrace suppositories to keep things in good stead). Weight gain: yes. More hair in places I never had: yes, but I’m still not “hairy”. Oh, and the hair loss. That is DRIVING ME NUCKING FUTS! 

At 55 I had made a BIG life change and moved from a great life in Minneapolis/St. Paul to Austin, Texas. Yes, there was a guy but he was only the catalyst and not the reason. I had been itching for something and this move was it. The best transition I have ever made since I knew if I didn’t do it I’d regret it the rest of my life. 

But over all, I feel quite fortunate. I’m 63 and love menopause! 

What you wish you had known? 

That not all women get hot flashes or loss of libido 

Most vexing symptom? 

The dryness and hair loss. And weight gain – but now I’m on Weight Watchers.

Best part? 

See above 

How do/did you treat symptoms? 

Estrace. Good diet. Swim at night. Chase men. 

Three words to describe your menopause experience? 

Full speed ahead!

Read more stories from The Menopause Chronicles here. 


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