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Granny Power: These Older Activists are Taking on the World

Activism is on the rise among women, whether you look at the #metoo movement or the epic Women’s March on Washington. But since we’re all about Aging Boldly, we want...

Activism is on the rise among women, whether you look at the #metoo movement or the epic Women’s March on Washington. But since we’re all about Aging Boldly, we want to give a virtual high-five to some remarkable women who prove that our middle and later years can be our most powerful. We’re talking about Granny Power, a movement of older females organizing and actualizing change in our culture. And you don’t have to be a grandma to participate – in most cases, that word is just used to communicate that the group is for women 50 plus.

A few of the notable groups that prove we’re not sitting in rocking chairs but rocking the future:

  • 100 Grannies: This Iowa group is dedicated to “educate, advocate and agitate for renewable energy, pure water, clean air and a healthy environment ”
  • Grandmothers Against Gun Violence: This Washington-based organization gets out the vote when bills limiting gun access are on the ballot and works to ensure a safer America.
  • Grandmothers for Peace International: The late Barbara Wiedner founded the California-based group in 1982 to protest nuclear weapons, and has expanded to take on global militarism.
  • Raging Grannies: This international group has chapters (called gaggles) in about half of all U.S. states and around the globe. It’s mission: “We are out in the streets promoting peace, justice, social and economic equality through song and humor.”

Are you part of a granny activist group? Tell us about it in the comments!

Janet Siroto


  • Janet is a New York-based journalist and content strategist who specializes in lifestyle, wellness and consumer-trend topics, as well as personal essays. Her favorite travel destinations are Europe and Hong Kong.

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