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How to Travel with a Husband: A Love Lesson from Japan
11 min July 1, 2024Author: Valerie Frankel

How to Travel with a Husband: A Love Lesson from Japan

By Valerie Frankel

They had different travel styles that sometimes threatened the joy of vacationing together, but on a trip across the globe Valerie Frankel and her husb...

Should She Honor Her Marriage Vows? One Woman’s Shocking Story
7 min June 27, 2024Author: Jeannie Edmunds

Should She Honor Her Marriage Vows? One Woman’s Shocking Story

By Jeannie Edmunds

Rachel Michelberg’s marriage was in trouble. And then her husband became disabled in an awful accident. How she made her “do I stay or go?” decisi...

Online Dating After 50: The New Lingo and the New Rules
7 min June 10, 2024Author: Nancy A Shenker

Online Dating After 50: The New Lingo and the New Rules

By Nancy A Shenker

What’s an FLR? ONS? It’s a whole new world out there on dating apps. Hear stories – and smart strategies – from our expert in the trenches....

My French Do-Over: Two Trips, Two Husbands, and the Life In Between
4 min April 22, 2024Author: Diane Cole

My French Do-Over: Two Trips, Two Husbands, and the Life In Between

By Diane Cole

Half a lifetime ago, Diane Cole took a transformative trip with her first husband. Could she—should she—recreate it with her second spouse?...

Love Lost and Found: High School Sweethearts Reunite Years Later
4 min February 12, 2024Author: Jeannie Ralston

Love Lost and Found: High School Sweethearts Reunite Years Later

By Jeannie Ralston

Oh, the power of love. Especially first love. This story of reunited high school sweethearts will have you daydreaming about the purity and passion of y...

What Do You Call Your Man? 10 Ways to Improve on “Boyfriend”
7 min January 25, 2024Author: Alice Scovell

What Do You Call Your Man? 10 Ways to Improve on “Boyfriend”

By Alice Scovell

Why isn’t there a good term for a romantic relationship between adults? Alice Scovell scours the language (and Shakespeare) for options....

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