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Lesley Jane Seymour: Reinventing Herself After <em>More</em> Magazine
5 min November 2, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Lesley Jane Seymour: Reinventing Herself After More Magazine

By Jeannie Ralston

The former editor-in-chief of More magazine is pioneering a new way for midlife women to learn, connect and share. Jeannie Ralston gets the scoop....

The Fabulous Gray-Haired Swimsuit Model On How She Got Her Start
5 min October 25, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

The Fabulous Gray-Haired Swimsuit Model On How She Got Her Start

By Jeannie Ralston

She didn’t step in front of the camera until her early 50s, but now Gillean McLeod is one of a growing number of “older” models. Here she offers i...

Linda Rodin’s Street Style Is Officially a Thing for Dogs Now
2 min October 16, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Linda Rodin’s Street Style Is Officially a Thing for Dogs Now

By Janet Siroto

One of the hippest animal-lovers around is now dressing canines. If you love Linda Rodin's street style, it's time for your dogs to get in on the action...

Be One" width="800" height="500" data-ratio="0.625"/>
2 min September 14, 2018Author: Nina Malkin

Traveling? A Site Helps You Find a House/Pet Sitter or Be One

By Nina Malkin

Worrying about furry friends at home while you're on vacay? Buzzkill! We found a trustworthy site that will help ease your mind while you're away from h...

Think You Can’t Work In the Digital Age? These Coding Bootcamps for Women Say Otherwise
2 min September 6, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Think You Can’t Work In the Digital Age? These Coding Bootcamps for Women Say Otherwise

By Janet Siroto

Yes, the pace of tech is fast enough to make anyone's head spin—but that doesn't mean we women over 50 can't write code. These valuable resources want...

The Trial Retirement: Are You Really Ready to Stop Working?
5 min May 25, 2018Author: Candy Schulman

The Trial Retirement: Are You Really Ready to Stop Working?

By Candy Schulman

Is retirement all it’s cracked up to be? Writer and professor Candy Schulman took a summer off at long last and learned some surprising lessons about ...

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