
NextTribe trips, travel tips, plus essays about how travel can transform us.

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My French Do-Over: Two Trips, Two Husbands, and the Life In Between
4 min April 22, 2024Author: Diane Cole

My French Do-Over: Two Trips, Two Husbands, and the Life In Between

By Diane Cole

Half a lifetime ago, Diane Cole took a transformative trip with her first husband. Could she—should she—recreate it with her second spouse?...

TSA Precheck, Global Entry, or Clear? Your Guide to  Speedier Airport Services
5 min April 16, 2024Author: Kayla Gross

TSA Precheck, Global Entry, or Clear? Your Guide to Speedier Airport Services

By Kayla Gross

Navigating the airport before a trip can be a major buzzkill. Here, a closer look at the services that promise to speed you to your gate, their cost –...

A Mexican Beach Retreat: How A Dozen Strangers Became Fast Friends
6 min April 11, 2024Author: Jeannie Edmunds

A Mexican Beach Retreat: How A Dozen Strangers Became Fast Friends

By Jeannie Edmunds

They headed to the beach for some inner work and major fun…but these intrepid women found that sharing and support truly sealed their connection  ...

Things to Do in Tuscany: Why It’s Wonderful Year-Round
10 min April 8, 2024Author: Janet Siroto

Things to Do in Tuscany: Why It’s Wonderful Year-Round

By Janet Siroto

Amazing art, architecture, scenery, and sustenance: Tuscany offers everything you need to live la dolce vita when traveling in Italy....

Marfa and Big Bend: Savoring Art, Nature, and New Friends in West Texas
8 min April 2, 2024Author: Becky Rutland

Marfa and Big Bend: Savoring Art, Nature, and New Friends in West Texas

By Becky Rutland

How a group of intrepid women discovered beauty and adventure – and major bonding – in west Texas ...

Whiskey and Women: An Expert Spills Her Scotch Secrets
5 min March 27, 2024Author: Jeannie Ralston

Whiskey and Women: An Expert Spills Her Scotch Secrets

By Jeannie Ralston

The outspoken Whisky Lassie, Johanne McInnis, has helped countless women discover whiskey and its Scottish homeland (including NextTribers). Listen in ...

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