
How to become your best self, plus the arts and culture that inspire us.

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Designing Women: Females Over 50 Shine at This Year’s CFDA Awards
2 min June 6, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

Designing Women: Females Over 50 Shine at This Year’s CFDA Awards

By Janet Siroto

These award-winners prove that fashion isn’t just for the young....

An Art World Powerhouse Is Celebrating the Works of Female and Non-binary Talent
2 min June 6, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

An Art World Powerhouse Is Celebrating the Works of Female and Non-binary Talent

By Janet Siroto

The Every Woman Biennial takes on L.A. this month with the work of 600 female and non-binary artists....

JoAni Johnson: Suddenly a Supermodel at 67
2 min June 5, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

JoAni Johnson: Suddenly a Supermodel at 67

By Janet Siroto

Meet JoAni Johnson, one of the faces of singer Rihanna’s new fashion label....

Meet the Master Distiller of Hendrick’s Gin Who Revolutionized Your Cocktails
8 min June 3, 2019Author: Elizabeth Choate

Meet the Master Distiller of Hendrick’s Gin Who Revolutionized Your Cocktails

By Elizabeth Singleton (Betsy) Choate

This summer, when you’re savoring a flavorful gin drink (recipes below), raise a glass to Lesley Gracie, a slightly eccentric British woman who has br...

Give It Up for Miss Lavelle White, Blues Singer and All-Around Bold Icon
2 min May 31, 2019Author: Jennifer Rodrigo

Give It Up for Miss Lavelle White, Blues Singer and All-Around Bold Icon

By Jennifer Rodrigo

Austin’s amazing “First Lady of Blues” turns 90 this summer. Can we get a round of applause?...

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7 min May 24, 2019Author: Leah Ingram

Game of Thrones Withdrawals? Maybe It’s Time to Book a Set Tour

By Leah Ingram

Winter is coming...and so are the fans. To Northern Ireland and other filming locations. Our writer lets her Game of Thrones geek flag fly....

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