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The Waist Rises Again: The Return of Mom Jeans
2 min October 29, 2017Author: Nina Malkin

The Waist Rises Again: The Return of Mom Jeans

By Nina Malkin

Sometime around the year 2000, low-rider jeans became the denim of choice; thank God that's finally changing....

The End of Denim? Why Yoga Pants Are the New Blue Jeans
4 min February 20, 2017Author: Kimberly Cihlar

The End of Denim? Why Yoga Pants Are the New Blue Jeans

By Kimberly Cihlar

Athleisure is in—and we'll use any excuse we can to keep our butts in yoga pants all day, every day....

There’s A Lot More Where That Came From

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