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Fighting Ageism: Get Ready to Get Radical With The Radical Age Movement

There’s a lot to stress about as we age, but The Radical Age Movement is showing the world how to fight ageism. Finally, right?

There’s a lot to stress about as we age—whether there will be enough Social Security and if healthcare will be affordable—but take a cleansing breath and exhale: The Radical Age Movement (RAM) is engineered to deal with those worries and more. Fighting Ageism is their specialty. A national non-profit headquartered in New York, its mission is to end “misperceptions and skewed attitudes toward aging so that people of all ages, races, classes, genders and sexualities can participate productively in areas of cultural, professional and community life.”

Part of the mission of the Radical Age Movement protesting cuts to health programs to pushing back against the exclusion of older adults from the workforce.

The organization was founded by Alice Fisher, M.A., M.S.W., who retired from the New York State Senate, where she worked in the office of Senator Liz Krueger. There, she developed a roundtable for boomers and seniors and counseled the senator’s older constituents on housing, healthcare, quality of life, and end-of-life issues. The Radical Age Movement is how she continues to channel this passion into the community, and chapters are popping up around the country.

On October 16,  RAM is leading a Rally for Age Justice in Manhattan’s Union Square Park. The goal of the rally is to ensure economic security for older adults, and that involves everything from protesting cuts to health programs to pushing back against the exclusion of older adults from the workforce.

Feel strongly about these issues? It’s hard not to once you enter midlife! So if you’re in town, join their rally, but if not, you can still get involved. Maybe it’s time to organize a chapter in your own area to take action against ageism or to learn from the terrific resources they have on their site. You’ll find listings for such organizations as Encore.org, an innovation hub that harnesses the expertise of people over the age of 50, and SAGE, which offers support and resources for older members of the LGBTQ community.  Learn more here, and let’s fight ageism together. 


  • Janet is a New York-based journalist and content strategist who specializes in lifestyle, wellness and consumer-trend topics, as well as personal essays. Her favorite travel destinations are Europe and Hong Kong.

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