#MeToo Backlash: The Triumph and Pitfalls of a Bold Movement
The new anti-sexual harassment fervor is fabulous, amazing, essential—but longtime feminist writer Sheila Weller says we should handle it with care. ...
Community and travel for bold women over 45
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The new anti-sexual harassment fervor is fabulous, amazing, essential—but longtime feminist writer Sheila Weller says we should handle it with care. ...
Don Lemon's extraordinarily stupid comments about Nikki Haley (and women in general) are a shining example of sexist ageism. Stop it already....
Critics blasted Madonna's look at Sunday's GRAMMYs, which proves that society is still ageist and sexist and Madonna is still a provocateur....
In a historic first, all the leaders negotiating the coming budget battle in the U.S. government are women. So much for stereotypes....
The long-time PBS News Hour anchor is set to retire this month. One fan-girl is especially grateful she got us through the COVID and Trump years....
Retiring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could give a master class on how women can wield power. We should all pay attention....