“If we had this, we’d be complaining a lot,” an older man wearing what’s called a Menovest, which simulates our glorious hot flash experience, states in a video recently released in the U.K.
A woman watching the MP wipe his balding head chimed in with, “We can’t.”
Of course men would complain if they went through menopause, and there would have been all kinds of research done from the beginning of science to help ease any male discomfort.
The older man was a British MP, and he was one of many men in Parliament taking a spin in the vest to show solidarity with women over a certain age. These men aren’t stupid since half the voters are women and what’s a little sweat if it helps gain support at the polls? Plus, for them, it’s only a one-off, instead of a regular disruption.
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Trying Menopause on For Size
We aren’t surprised that the Menovest is a British creation. The U.K. is way ahead of the U.S. when it comes to menopause awareness. The government recently appointed a hormone replacement therapy czar. Can you imagine something like that here?
Men who have tried the vest on the job are sometimes so distracted they cannot work through the hot flashes.
The Menovest (a name we applaud for working in two puns in a mere eight letters) was designed by Lesley Salem and her organization, Over The Bloody Moon. The aim is to “remove the muddle and stigma out of menopause for individuals and organizations” and to help raise awareness, empathy and male allyship for women going through menopause at work. Companies can hire Salem’s company to bring the Menovest to their offices for a menopause workshop.
The vest creates an intense heat that rises from the back, then the front and ultimately up to the neck. One version of the vest can be used at work to simulate hot flashes on the job, and another version can be used at home while sleeping to mimic night sweats and promote empathy for the lack of sleep that often accompanies menopause. The overnight vest wakes the man with intense hot flashes four and six hours after bedtime. We’re guessing any man brave or empathetic enough to wear it makes a big kerfuffle when the heat is on, which wakes up his partner, rather than suffer in silence like so many of us do.
Men who have tried the vest on the job are sometimes so distracted they cannot work through the hot flashes, Salem told Forbes magazine. She added: “We’ve had reporters who have had to write 1,700 words for a newspaper article, and they’ve cheated and taken the vest off.”
Same retort applies here, about simply shedding the heat-producing source: “We can’t.”
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