
How to become your best self, plus the arts and culture that inspire us.

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Our Previous Contest Winner: Mother–Daughter Reunion
16 min May 4, 2023Author: Christina Kapp

Our Previous Contest Winner: Mother–Daughter Reunion

By Christina Kapp

We're re-running this lovely short story because of its timely mother–daughter theme and to remind you there's still time to enter our current contest...

At 64, Angela Bassett Is on Fire. Lucky for Us
4 min May 2, 2023Author: Susan Hornik

At 64, Angela Bassett Is on Fire. Lucky for Us

By Susan Hornik

NextTribe caught up with the Oscar-nominated Black Panther actress and learned how she keeps the hits and the happiness rolling....

When Will Women Be Truly Comfortable with Their Power?
4 min May 1, 2023Author: Alice Scovell

When Will Women Be Truly Comfortable with Their Power?

By Alice Scovell

After all this time, many accomplished women are still hesitant to embrace their badassery. What's keeping them back? Alice Scovell contemplates....

My Unrequited Love Affair with the Late, Great Harry Belafonte
2 min April 26, 2023Author: Michele Willens

My Unrequited Love Affair with the Late, Great Harry Belafonte

By Michele Willens

Michele Willens first encountered the singer/activist Harry Belafonte as a child and can't forget his impact. Here, she explains why....

New Documentary: How Mary Tyler Moore Made It After All
7 min April 25, 2023Author: Sheila Weller

New Documentary: How Mary Tyler Moore Made It After All

By Sheila Weller

"Being Mary Tyler Moore" shows us the actress's surprisingly tough road to success and happiness and reminds Sheila Weller what we owe to her....

Alex Borstein on Life After Divorce and “Mrs. Maisel”
4 min April 18, 2023Author: Susan Hornik

Alex Borstein on Life After Divorce and “Mrs. Maisel”

By Susan Hornik

Happily, Alex Borstein, who has a new comedy special, is just as much of a badass as she is as Suzy on "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel."...

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