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Ready to Play? Check Out These Summer Camps for Grown-Ups
< 1 min July 14, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Ready to Play? Check Out These Summer Camps for Grown-Ups

By Janet Siroto

More than a million adults in the US attended some sort of summer camp in recent years; would you be ready to join their ranks between now and Labor Day...

The Best Sunscreen: This One Will Really Have You Covered
< 1 min June 25, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

The Best Sunscreen: This One Will Really Have You Covered

By Janet Siroto

Think back to your teenage summers. Remember slathering on baby oil, grabbing one of those silver reflective gizmos, and lying on a beach, by a pool, or...

Anxiety and Alzheimer’s: Another Reason to Stay Chill
< 1 min February 23, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Anxiety and Alzheimer’s: Another Reason to Stay Chill

By Janet Siroto

We all know one of the worst aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease is the fact that by the time the illness shows its symptoms, things have often progres...

Falling in Love with an Old Movie Gem
< 1 min February 14, 2018Author: Nina Malkin

Falling in Love with an Old Movie Gem

By Nina Malkin

The title Love with the Proper Stranger had long been lodged in my Boomer brain, yet I couldn’t remember actually seeing the movie during my youth...

The Infrared Sauna Craze: Sweat So Sweet
< 1 min February 7, 2018Author: Kimberly Cihlar

The Infrared Sauna Craze: Sweat So Sweet

By Kimberly Cihlar

Sweating it out during an infrared sauna detox session is a craze sweeping the wellness world from LA to New York. I, for one, am totally in. My hour sp...

InstaPot Insanity: The Kitchen Gizmo That Ate the World
< 1 min January 25, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

InstaPot Insanity: The Kitchen Gizmo That Ate the World

By Janet Siroto

“What do you mean you don’t have an InsaPot?!?” I have been asked this question, oh, about five dozen times over the last couple of mo...

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