A friend of mine once said that travel is like personal archaeology, and that feels 100% true to me. You go to a site, dig around, and make important discoveries about yourself. Travel also unearths hidden truths about relationships. If two people travel well, they...
Several years ago, at 42, I purposefully got off the cycle of dieting, losing weight, cheating, binging, regaining, and starting all over again. Chronic dieting, I concluded after a lifetime of doing it, was pointless. I freed myself of the burden of losing those last...
I’ve been writing the Next TribeTest column for three months now, and something fascinating is happening to me because of it. As always, I tend to gravitate toward women’s stories in my entertainment choices, but if a male-centric film or show was compelling enough, I...
The famous Bechdel Test, created by graphic artist, Fun Home author, and MacArthur “Genius” Alison Bechdel, sets a low bar for female representation in entertainment with three basic criteria: (1) The work has two named women; (2) who talk to each other; (3) about...
I have always been a goal-oriented person, a maker of mental “To Do” lists that update constantly in my head. In my professional life—as a magazine editor and writer, author, and, for the last 10 years, a ghostwriter of books by celebrities and public figures—I’ve...