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Liz Cheney Lost the Battle, but Could Win the War

Dick Cheney's daughter has stood up to Trump in a bold way, which led to a loss of her Congressional seat, but may win her the Presidency.

Editor’s Note: We are re-publishing this article on the news that Liz Cheney lost the GOP primary bid for her seat in Wyoming. We think she has bigger things coming her way anyhow. 


Whenever I think of the brilliant Adam McKay movie about former Vice President Dick Cheney, I always mis-remember the title: I think Dick, when in fact it is another four-letter double entendre, Vice. The film doesn’t stray too far from the known historical facts. Christian Bale eerily inhabits Cheneys body, from the crooked smile-sneer to the bowlegged man-spreading strut in cowboy boots.


The satirical biopic covers the life of Dick: oil roustabout, flinty conservative House member, blackbelt White House staffer,   Machiavellian Washington insider who ultimately engineered the worst oil war folly in American history, the invasion of Iraq.


Two decades have passed since Cheney cynically calculated which oil company executives would divvy up Iraqi oil fields. America’s satanic mastermind later survived some serious cardiac events before riding off into the Wyoming sunset.  

Read More: The Two Female Senators With the Balls to Do What’s Right

The Daughter Also Rises


A whole lot of crazy has happened in those 20 years. Even so, no one could have predicted that the daughter of the devil would become a progressive heroine. Enter the unlikeliest of political bedfellows: Liz Cheney and the MSNBC-addicted, libtard-snowflake and anti-Trump Twitter-verse. Among this crowd, Liz Cheney is routinely now hailed as a hero, in fact, the possible savior of the Republic.


In 2016—the same year her now-nemesis was elected—Wyoming elected Liz Cheney to be its sole House representative in Washington. At the time she was as “Drill Baby Drill” as it was possible to be, a polite version of Sarah Palin. According to her official page, Cheney was elected “on a platform of restoring Americas strength and power in the world, and pursuing conservative solutions to create jobs, cut taxes and regulation, and expand Americas energy, mining, and agriculture industries.”


In almost all the ways that count politically, Liz was on her way to becoming her father’s daughter.


A female Dick if you will.

Then Came January 6th

Until January 2021, she was crafting the kind of rock-ribbed but maternal political persona that checks off all the requirements of the conservative movement. She is a lawyer and mother of five, a specialist in national security and foreign policy, was a Fox News analyst, and co-authored with her father a book titled Exceptional: Why The World Needs a Powerful America.


When she ran for U.S. Senate in 2014 (unsuccessfully), she even came out against gay marriage—despite her own sister being married to a woman. (She has since stated that she has changed her mind on that.)


Then came the Trumpist assault on the U.S. Capitol. A few months later, Cheney was one of just ten Republicans to support the post-insurrection second impeachment of Donald Trump. For that betrayal, and for refusing to accept the Big Lie about the stolen election, House Republicans ganged up on her. They kicked her off the leadership post she’d held since 2019 as Chair of the House Republican Conference, the third-ranking Republican in the House of Representatives.


Now she is the most visible member of the otherwise rather timorous GOP anti-Trump faction. While many Republican men in Washington are said to privately loathe the former president, Cheney is currently starring on TV as one of just two Republicans on the House Select Committee Investigating January 6. The committee, which has conducted some 1,000 interviews, has collected reams of eye-popping communications, and appears to be proving the violence was orchestrated at the highest levels of Trumpworld.


Cheney appears to take delight in the role. She exposed Fox personality Sean Hannity’s craven hypocrisy by personally reading, at a nationally televised hearing earlier this year, his pleading emails to Trump’s chief of staff to stop the violence.


Cheney’s presence on the committee keeps it from being an almost entirely partisan operation. That further enrages the former President, who likes to call the committee’s work “a witch hunt.” At a recent Casper, Wyo., rally for the woman likely to unseat Cheney this fall, Harriet Hageman, Trump accused Cheney of doing the bidding of corruptDemocrats.  


Since the enemy of my enemy is my friend—a rule Dick surely lived by—progressives and anti-Trump conservatives now hail the devil’s daughter.

The Punishment

The Cowboy State is expected to relieve Cheney of her seat in November. Wyoming voters love Trump. He got almost 70 percent of the vote in 2020, the second highest share ever by a presidential candidate in Wyoming after Ronald Reagan.

Liz Cheney doesn’t have balls, she has ovaries, which, as we all know, are stronger than balls.

Putting power before principle was certainly Dick’s’s MO throughout his career. It’s hard to imagine a Rep. Dick Cheney jettisoning his career when it was at its most promising point, speaking out against his party’s leader to the detriment of his own position as a Republican House member.


But his daughter did just that. 


In the weeks and months before she will have to pack up her wagon and ride back to Wyoming, Cheney appears to be prepared to go down fighting. Never-Trump former Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus, for example, recently Tweeted that Cheney “ is going full on ‘balls to the wall’ and I want her cloned. Our democracy depends on it. This is what someone does when they’ve nothing left to lose and if this is what it takes, so be it.”


Thing is, Liz Cheney doesn’t have balls, she has ovaries, which, as we all know, are stronger than balls.


This week, Committee Chairman Rep,. Bennie Thomson, D-Miss., announced—to the horror of some fellow politicians and the millions of Americans whose fondest wish is to see the former President in handcuffs—that the committee didn’t plan to refer criminal charges against the former president. Cheney Tweeted a contradictory statement. “The January 6 Committee has not issued a conclusion regarding potential criminal referrals. We will announce a decision on that at an appropriate time.” With Liz Cheney, never say never. 


  • Nina Burleigh

    Nina Burleigh is the National Politic Correspondent at Newsweek Magazine. She is an award-winning journalist and the author of five books. Her latest book, The Fatal Gift of Beauty, was a widely praised New York Times bestseller. Find her at ninaburleigh.com.

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