The nicest thing that can be said about Karen’s Diner, a new restaurant opening in Sheffield, England, is that if your name is Karen, you’ll get a free drink.
That is the least this novelty establishment that encourages patrons to tap into their inner “white lady” can do for the women of the world named Karen, who have recently been unjustly abused for the moniker their unsuspecting parents gave them decades ago.
“Our staff are rude, our manners are non existent and we’re the perfect place for Karen’s everywhere to vent their anger and dismay at the world,” the restaurant’s website declares. “Come on, ask for the manager…WE DARE YOU.”
Read More: The Most Notorious Example of the “Karen” Meme Just Got Worse
Taking the Karen Thing Too Far?
As we’ve discussed at length, the whole Karen meme is shorthand for middle-aged white women prone to causing a scene if they don’t get their way. Online you can find countless videos of white women taking someone to task, usually a minority, for some infringement or annoyance.
Wait. What exactly are “Karen fantasies?” We’re so confused.
We can’t help but wonder who the restaurant–which has branches in Australia–is trying to attract. Men who are fed up with their wives? Self-loathing middle-aged white women? Or just good-humored people who know how to take–and give–a ribbing?
The restaurant wants you to think it’s the latter. The website includes this testimonial: “I literally lived out my Karen fantasies. I will die a happy Karen.–Karen Smith, Sydney” Wait. What exactly are “Karen fantasies?” We’re so confused.
On the Menu
The restaurant logo
The restaurant’s logo includes a frowning woman with an asymmetrical bob, which is the hairstyle that somehow became associated with the Karen meme. Some of the items on the menu do elicit a slight chuckle. Hamburgers have such names as “Karen’s Got Real Beef” (smokey BBQ beef brisket) and “The `I Want to See the Manager’ Karen,” which includes items called “manager cheese” and “manager BBQ-mustard sauce.” Whatever that means.
A drink made with vodka, peach Schnapps, lime and cranberry juice is called the “You’ve Just Lost My Business” shooter. But we got a little steamed at the name for their chicken tenders: “Karen’s Chicken Bingo Wings.” No, arm shaming is not funny, people.
The concept is available to franchise, but there are no current plans for a Karen’s Diner to open stateside. Because, really, don’t you know it would attract the largest gathering of women named Karen to march in protest. Would you join in?
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