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Are Republicans or Democrats Better for Women’s Economic Opportunities?
3 min October 12, 2020Author: NextTribe Editors

Are Republicans or Democrats Better for Women’s Economic Opportunities?

By NextTribe Editors

How you vote matters for 100 reasons. One of them is that a certain party is better at lifting women up financially. Want to guess which one?...

Kamala Harris Showed the World How Women of Experience Get It Done
2 min October 8, 2020Author: Jeannie Ralston

Kamala Harris Showed the World How Women of Experience Get It Done

By Jeannie Ralston

Women in politics walk a fine, tricky line. Kamala Harris found her balance at the debate by being both compassionate and commanding....

The Tiny Pricks Project: Protesting Misogyny One Stitch at a Time
2 min October 4, 2020Author: Janet Siroto

The Tiny Pricks Project: Protesting Misogyny One Stitch at a Time

By Janet Siroto

An artist has sparked a political movement—by needling Trump with needlework! Here we report on Diane Weymer's "stitch 'n' bitch" effort....

The Non-Stop Fun of Retiring in the Middle of a Pandemic
4 min September 29, 2020Author: Mary Kay Fleming

The Non-Stop Fun of Retiring in the Middle of a Pandemic

By Mary Kay Fleming

Mary Kay Fleming made fun of her husband's ungraceful transition into retirement. But after retiring during COVID, she learned that karma's a bitch....

What Women Need to Know About Amy Coney Barrett, Nominated to Replace RBG
3 min September 26, 2020Author: Jeannie Ralston

What Women Need to Know About Amy Coney Barrett, Nominated to Replace RBG

By Jeannie Ralston

NextTribe is all for women's advancement, but what if one woman getting ahead means others would be held back?...

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