SeeMe Beauty: Another Nail in the “Anti-Aging” Coffin

SeeMe Beauty: Another Nail in the “Anti-Aging” Coffin

We love how over the last couple of years there’s been a real pushback against the term “anti-aging,” which used to be bandied about freely, as if aging were a disease or disgrace to be avoided at all costs. NextTribe is all about age-positivity, and so we’re...
Post-Menopause Sex Woes: Quit Blaming Women

Post-Menopause Sex Woes: Quit Blaming Women

We women tend to be the butt of jokes about no sex after menopause, that it’s all about our low libido and dryness issues. While there is some truth to that stereotype, new research reveals that men also play a role in the waning sex stats. “We know that menopause...
The (Birthday) Girls of Summer

The (Birthday) Girls of Summer

We’d like to send a loud, spirited, collective chorus of “Happy Birthday” to amazing women who are hitting milestones this season. Read More: 10 Little-known Facts About Barbie in Honor of Her Milestone Birthday Celebrity Summer Birthdays Shelley Duvall turned the big...
Why More Women Than Men Develop Alzheimer’s: New Research

Why More Women Than Men Develop Alzheimer’s: New Research

We don’t need to tell you that the majority of Alzheimer’s diagnoses are among women. You probably already know that … and worry about it. The question has long been, why are the two-thirds of almost six million Americans living with the disease women? Now, there are...

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