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Should She Honor Her Marriage Vows? One Woman’s Shocking Story
7 min June 27, 2024Author: Jeannie Edmunds

Should She Honor Her Marriage Vows? One Woman’s Shocking Story

By Jeannie Edmunds

Rachel Michelberg’s marriage was in trouble. And then her husband became disabled in an awful accident. How she made her “do I stay or go?” decisi...

What This Mom Learned on a 10-Day Road Trip With Her Adult Daughter
5 min June 26, 2024Author: Claire Berger

What This Mom Learned on a 10-Day Road Trip With Her Adult Daughter

By Claire Berger

Sometimes together time in a car can teach you more and pull you closer than any five-star resort, as this mother found out when traveling with her girl...

Here’s to Your Health: A Liver Cleanse Diet That Does You Good
4 min June 25, 2024Author: Sacha Jones

Here’s to Your Health: A Liver Cleanse Diet That Does You Good

By Sacha Jones

Imagine cleaning up after a house party...every single day. That's what our liver does for us, and why cleansing it is so essential....

A Canterbury Pilgrimage: The Power of Retracing the Famous Ancient Path on Foot
6 min June 24, 2024Author: Kim Wright Wiley

A Canterbury Pilgrimage: The Power of Retracing the Famous Ancient Path on Foot

By Kim Wright Wiley

Setting out from London, one woman traced the trail made famous in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Who knew it could be so hilarious – and so moving?...

Exploring Umbria: How 12 Women Came to Their Senses in Italy
7 min June 20, 2024Author: Carol Flake

Exploring Umbria: How 12 Women Came to Their Senses in Italy

By Carol Flake

On a magical estate in Italy, full of memories, one woman joins with others to taste, touch, smell, and see the beauty around her – and gain new stren...

Having Good Girlfriends at Midlife Is Good Medicine—Literally
5 min June 19, 2024Author: Suzanne Braun Levine

Having Good Girlfriends at Midlife Is Good Medicine—Literally

By Suzanne Braun Levine

WTF Alert! Not having good pals is as dangerous to your health as smoking. So nurture those connections now....

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