You’re Never Too Old to Have a Crush. Thank God!

You’re Never Too Old to Have a Crush. Thank God!

Remember when you were in middle school and some cute boy paid attention to you, maybe looking at you a little longer than any male but your father had before? Didn’t your stomach go straight to butterflies, couldn’t you feel the blood warming in your...
Magical Moments on Our Day of the Dead Trip in Mexico

Magical Moments on Our Day of the Dead Trip in Mexico

This was the first magical moment. We had just spent an hour at a rooftop bar watching the sky become blurry stripes of gold and red over the mountains to the west. Closer in, the entire town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, was laid out before us. Glowing in the...
Fired! Bouncing Back from a Midlife Pink Slip

Fired! Bouncing Back from a Midlife Pink Slip

Editor’s Note: We’ve heard from way too many of you about job losses since the pandemic hit. We know it’s extraordinarily tough, and think that this story on what to do when you get fired is especially relevant. It’s only one woman’s...

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