by Deborah Baldwin | Aug 14, 2024
Welcome to your first day of vacation. The kick-off of a big trip is filled with excitement, anticipation, and, to be honest, sometimes exhaustion and crankiness. Long drives and long flights don’t set you up to hit the ground running; the discomfort (no matter...
by Jeannie Ralston | May 7, 2024
I think only menopausal women will appreciate my worst case of packer’s remorse. A few years ago, I was traveling by bus in the English countryside with my sons and nieces. When I went to the bathroom in Windsor, before re-boarding the bus for a 90-minute ride to...
by Sarah Gold | May 22, 2023
When I met Rosemary in Papua New Guinea, she told me that she came for the birds. Fittingly, she was sparrow-like herself: petite, fine-boned, with a tuft of white hair crowning an inquisitive, blue-eyed face. She was 85, and just six months earlier she had undergone...