The Ambition Trap: How It Snares Powerful Women

The Ambition Trap: How It Snares Powerful Women

Editor’s Note: In response to the defeat of a second woman in her quest for the presidency, we’re offering this insightful essay by Lorraine Glennon, published after Hillary Clinton’s defeat. Unfortunately it’s as relevant today as it was then. ***...
Elizabeth Warren 2020: What Every Voter Needs to Know

Elizabeth Warren 2020: What Every Voter Needs to Know

In the dizzying realm of American presidential politics, a candidate’s fortunes can change with whiplash-inducing speed. Ask former “front-runner” Jeb Bush, or any of the 15 other Republican presidential hopefuls to whom Donald Trump laid waste in 2016. The newest...
Kirsten Gillibrand: The Star that Trump Built

Kirsten Gillibrand: The Star that Trump Built

It’s called the Trump Bump: In certain quarters, nothing sets you up for success faster, or more firmly, than the full Twitter Treatment from the commander in chief, as Kirsten Gillibrand discovered, bigly, last December 12 when she became the beneficiary of this...

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