Looking for a “Clean” Cocktail? Tequila to the Rescue!

Looking for a “Clean” Cocktail? Tequila to the Rescue!

Look, we know that drinking heavily isn’t good for us—but we also know that sipping an adult beverage in good company every now-and-again definitely is. So what is the best alcohol to drink on a diet or if you’re just trying to keep things healthy-ish?...
10 Famous Couples of a Certain Age Who Make Us Believe In Love

10 Famous Couples of a Certain Age Who Make Us Believe In Love

It seems that most of the imagery around Valentine’s Day is populated by pretty young things, as if romance is only for those who were born after 1990. Now that’s ridiculous! Love comes in every variety, but here at NextTribe, we are especially partial to the variety...

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