Many years ago, as I sat with my mother-in-law going over plans for her blow-out 60th birthday party, I noticed there was something slightly different about the way she looked. Dorothy was as glam as a starlet, like a willowy version of Faye Dunaway, with the lustrous...
I was scrolling through the Emmy nominations last week, when a familiar name caught my eye: Tracey Ullman. She of the rubber face and the spot-on accents. Remembering the British comic’s hilarious work from the late 80s—so many characters, so many guffaws—I wondered...
The blue Post-It I stuck on my monitor last fall said: Countdown to Canyon Ranch massahhhhge! It was supposed to help get me through the following 24 days, until my visit to Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, the grande dame of destination spas. When my invitation...
My husband, Gordon, and I are compatible in many ways, but not in the bedroom. Our sex life isn’t the problem. It’s sleep. He falls into such a deep stupor that he once snoozed through an earthquake so strong it rattled pictures off the wall. Me? A dog’s sigh or a...